To make sure you get the most out of your print, we have put together a comprehensive guide which clarifies how to prepare your artwork.
When you are ready simply click the wetransfer button, add your file(s) and send directly to:
All Artwork Must Be Supplied:
- With 3mm bleed (when scaled to full-size)
- At the correct width-to-height ratio
- In CMYK colour mode
- With all fonts converted to outlines/curves/shapes
- With template elements removed
- Please ensure all fonts have been converted to outlines
- Images must be CMYK and not RGB
- Images should be high resolution (photos 300 dpi)
- Images should have the correct corresponding colours to be printed
Accepted File Formats
- We accept PDF for printed jobs such as leaflets, booklets, business cards and anything under SRA3 If you are looking to print something bigger then we recommend sending EPS (Encapsulated Postscript)
- We can accept JPEG, TIFF, PNG but we cannot ensure the outcome of the final piece.